Snoop on everyone's calendars

tldr; Peek at colleagues' calendars to gain insights and stay ahead. Manage your own calendar to avoid exposure.

Ah, the corporate calendar—often overlooked yet packed with hidden gems. It's not just a tool for scheduling; it's a window into the true workings of the office. Time to learn the art of calendar espionage.

Realistic Example Scenarios:

  1. Gut-Check on Structures:
    Start by peeking at how others, especially your boss and peers, organize their calendars. Notice how they balance meetings, focus time, and breaks. This gives you a benchmark to ensure your schedule looks equally balanced.
  2. Mirror Their Patterns:
    You don’t want your calendar to scream “overworked” or “underworked.” Block out time for focus work and external calls. Make sure your schedule aligns with the office norms without drawing undue attention.
  3. Leak Detection:
    Calendars can leak critical info. In past jobs, I sniffed out upcoming layoffs by noticing the HR team’s sudden flurry of meetings with senior managers. Unusual patterns can be red flags.
  4. Map the Informal Networks:
    There’s the official org chart and then the real web of connections. See who lunches together, who meets frequently—these patterns reveal the informal networks that hold real power.
  5. Guard Your Own Calendar:
    Be strategic with your own calendar. Use private entries to mask sensitive activities and avoid giving away too much. Especially crucial if you're juggling more than one job.

Snooping on calendars is an underrated yet powerful skill. It offers a peek behind the corporate curtain, helping you stay informed and strategic without exposing your own maneuvers. Happy snooping!

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