Maximize profit, find happiness outside work; be smart and wise.

Once upon a time, a young idealist walked through the revolving door of a giant corporation, starry-eyed and full of ambition. Naïve, maybe. But who isn't when they first step into the gleaming tower of a big company? Society plays its part well, casting the corporate life as the grand theater where dreams come true. Yet, behind the curtain lies a different story—a plot driven by survival, not heroism.

Remember, this isn't about giving up on your dreams; it's about grounding them in reality. Here’s the truth: no matter how radiant your vision, you'll never find true fulfillment in a place where you're just a cog in the machine. And society? It grooms you for this trap, making it seem like your job title is the pinnacle of your existence.

Here’s the real advice: seek happiness outside of work. Cultivate passions, hobbies, and connections that aren’t tied to your nine-to-five. The real game? Maximizing profit and minimizing effort. We call it the "Grift Guru" mindset. It’s about working smart, not hard.

Want a slice of deeper meaning at work? Look toward smaller teams, startup vibes. Founding a company with your college buddies or close colleagues can be enriching. You're bros, friends, and partners in crime, getting shit done together. But in a gigantic entity where your role is more easily replaceable than a broken coffee machine, forget about finding that kind of fulfillment.

Instead, aim for the big paycheck. Deliver just enough to meet expectations and move on. Over-delivering only leaves you drained and overlooked. Be tactical, be efficient. Corporations thrive on squeezing the most out of individuals for the least cost. Why shouldn’t you turn the tables?

Keep this mantra: Be smart. Be wise. If you struggle with that, then just listen closely. The higher up you go, the slicker the grift. Up in the C-suite, the grift reaches an art form. These folks have perfected the hustle, masking minimal effort behind layers of delegation and buzzwords.

Learn the art of camouflage. Blend into the scenery while getting things done. Avoid putting your fingerprints all over projects so you can dodge blame if things go south. Always keep number one—yourself—front and center.

Just a heads up: you’re aiming to navigate a jungle, not a pristine garden. And in this jungle, stepping in number two can screw up your game. So keep your senses sharp, eyes open, and always look out for yourself.

That’s the gist for now. Internalize these thoughts, and you’ll level up in the grift. Transform corporate survival into your own brand of mastery.

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