Maximize gig income with smart billing. Pad hours, use magic sauce, focus on net pay.
Alright, gather ‘round. Pull up a chair; it's story time.
Let’s talk freelancing and contracts. Ever notice how folks obsess over hourly rates? "$50 an hour? But I want $75!"
Look, you need that gig. You want it. But the client? They’re locked in on that per-hour figure like it’s the Holy Grail. If you ask for too much, they'll run for the hills. But what if you could make more without them even noticing? It's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, classic consultant style.
Here's the trick: pad those hours. Yep, you heard me. Eight hours of work? Make it twelve on your invoice. Don’t go overboard – just enough to give yourself a nifty 50% raise. Really, how's the client gonna know? They’re not peeking over your shoulder.
Let's push aside the ego, folks. Stop fixating on hourly rates. Think net effective pay. Eight hours magically turned into twelve? Your $50 now feels more like $75. You’re being smart, practical, playing the game on a level they don't even see.
Now, let’s chat about tools – your AI, templates, playbooks. Those are your secret weapons. Don’t hand 'em out like party favors. The client pays for output, not the tricks. Your special sauce stays your special sauce. That’s your leverage.
Now, if you find someone who sees your value and offers $100 or $200 an hour, great. They understand worth. But for the budget-minded ones, remember, they also often don’t understand time. Stretch those hours. A couple here, a few there. Test the limits and tiptoe right up to the edge. Never over, just under. It’s an art, not a science.
In big companies? Oh man, that’s an open field. They’ve budgeted for you. They think they’ve scored a deal. If you’re already stretching hours, keep at it. Many expect you to bill the straight 40, even if you work 10. Smaller companies might notice, big ones? Not so much.
And if someone asks your hourly rate? Divide what you actually make by the hours you’ve logged, legit or padded. Doesn’t matter how you got there. Keep the illusion of worth.
Remember, this ain’t rocket science. It’s about having the work and making that work pay what you're worth. Blink those old habits away. Work four, bill for eight. The senior and more capable you are, the better you get at the act. Clients buy output. They say they’re buying hours, but that's just a cover story.
So, bill accordingly.
Now, enjoy the rest of your day. There’s gold in knowing the game and playing it better than anyone else.